
We take our philosophy from two key scriptures: (1) Deuteronomy 6:5-7 and (2) Proverbs 22:6.

(1) In Deuteronomy 6:5-7, we read that God is the foundation of all knowledge, truth, and wisdom. It is our belief that the truth of God became incarnate in Jesus Christ His Son. As an absolute truth, we then reject the world’s philosophy of truth as being relative.

The Bible is God’s revealed will for man. It is infallible, inspired and is the final authority in giving us direction for every area of life.

We believe that the single most important thing a child must learn is to have the proper relationship with God.

We will stand firm on the doctrines that are clear in the scriptures as put forth in the Westminster Confession of Faith. We will give unbiased instruction in those areas of Christian doctrine on which evangelical fundamental Christians disagree so that the students will have knowledge of both sides of these issues. Although our basic stance is “Reformed,” we will not take a dogmatic stand on such things as mode of baptism, eschatological issues, and special gifts.

(2) In Proverbs 22:6, we see the Christian school is an extension of the Christian home, training young people for time and eternity in a Christian environment. Our school staff will work closely with parents to train the whole child and not undermine the parents’ authority. For this reason, we must insist on having cooperation and participation of all parents. (Ephesians 6:4)

Training of a child also includes respect for governmental authority and the work ethic. Proper attitude toward government is as follows: Government is ordained by God; thus should be respected and obeyed. Government is not the answer to all of life’s problems. With a strong emphasis on patriotism, we will teach our children that America with all its problems is still one nation under God. (Luke 20:25, I Timothy 2: 1-2)

As for the work ethic, our children should learn that God expects them to be good stewards of their time, talents and treasures.